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Are you hosting a house party and looking for games to play? Or are you looking for games to play during your next sleepover? Well, the Exit: The Sinister Mansion is the game for you. It will test your wits and force you and your mates to think critically. It is a board game like no other, and it can be played with your family members. Thames & Kosmos, the manufacturers of this game, have been designing board games for a while now. The Exit has become popular, and they have created a series of other exciting games. The games are meant to help people come together and help each other through a course or mission. Without giving too many details, I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you, here is the review of the Exit: The Sinister Mansion.

You and your colleagues are invited to your neighbor’s mansion. It is kind of a spooky house, but you decide to go anyway. Once inside, you realize that the neighbor tricked you and you are trapped inside. As with the other Exit games, you are expected to find a way out. It is not the easiest of games, and you will be required to figure out a series of actions to take before you get out. The level of difficulty in this game is intermediate, but don’t let that fool you; it will challenge you extensively.

How the game is played

Now that you are familiar with the game, its time to learn how to play it. Here is what you need:

  • Space

The game involves cards, booklet, and decoder disc, among other components, and that’s why you need space. A small table will do, and so will a flat area.

  • Stationery

You will need a pen or pencil, paper and a pair of scissors. The stationery is a good hint of what to expect in the game.

  • About four people

The game will need teamwork, and that’s why you need about for people. Some people are comfortable doing it with 2 or 3 people, which is also ok. The only thing you can’t do is going alone.

  • Time

The recommended time is about 1-2 hours. However, this is dependent on how well you can solve the puzzle.

The Gameplay

Once you have the requirements, here is how you play the game. The game involves solving puzzles, searching, and finding connections as you try to free from the mansion. Setting up the game is the natural part, and you realize this once you are up and running. The central theme of the game is using your wits to break free from a spooky mansion.

You and your teammates are required to try and break free using the available tools. That’s easier said than done as you will have to be your very best. The puzzles are quite challenging, and you will be forced to turn to the hints provided. The clues will help you unlock some sections. However, the more you use the tips, the more you are lowering your final score.

Speed is a very critical part of this game. That is if you want to get a high score. The puzzles and challenges come in bulks at first, but once you solve the first puzzle, the next one is linear. Spoiler alert! If you want to do well, answer the first puzzle well, and the game will flow better for you. Mess the first part, and the rest of the game will be an uphill task. You will have to keep going to finish the game.

The quality of the components

The manufacturer of this game, Thames & Kosmos, has done quite a commendable job with the quality of the components in this game. It is important to note that the game is only playable once, so once you are done, you are done. Since you will do away with the game after playing, the manufacturer would have compromised on the quality, but that is not the case. The quality is top-notch all through.

The printing of the integral components is top-level, and this gives life to the whole game. The cards, on the other hand, are made with quality materials, and the productions feel marvelous. Indeed the quality of this game separates it from the rest. It is through this quality that the game feels special. There is quality from the first part of the game to the finish. There is not a part that you touch and feel like the quality is commendable.

There is also an app that can be used together with this game. Though the app does not help you solve the game, it can be used to set the timer. The app will also help set the background noise with some thematic music that will only add to the thrill of the game. It is not a must to have the app, but it will add to the experience. The app is free so that you won’t incur additional costs.


There are many advantages to playing this game. Here are some of them;

  • Top-level components

The materials used to make this game are of the highest standard. They are made to enhance the experience of the players.

  • The puzzles are quite challenging

If you love solving puzzles, then try out this game. The problems are designed in a way that will test you. The game is made to make people think critically, and this is enjoyable if solving puzzles is your thing.

  • The lead-in story is interesting

The story that leads to all this is quite exciting and will leave you asking questions about your neighbors.  It gets you thinking, how much do you know about your neighbors?

  • The app adds to the thrill

The app about this game is built to make the game better. There is the timer that will keep adding to the mental pressure, and then there is music. The music will help build a pleasant atmosphere and will give you chills. All this is fun and quite enjoyable.

  • Good for bonding

The game requires cooperation from your teammates. The game will need the skills of the different members of the team. You need to work together to exit the sinister mansion.

  • Quite affordable

The game does not cost much and thus is available to most people. The components are of the highest quality, and therefore users will get value for their money. The idea to include a free app also makes it more fun, and it adds the general improvement of the game.


After all the praise of the game, there are a few areas that need improvements. Here are some of the drawbacks about this game

  • The puzzles can be confusing

The puzzles can be quite confusing, especially in the first stage. The problems are very open-ended with many possible answers that can lead you off course. Making mistakes early on the game will make the whole experience unpleasant. You can use the hint cards thou this one will also set a bad atmosphere in the game if you use it at the early stages.

  • Requires a specific skill

Solving some aspects of the puzzle may involve a specific kind of skill that may not be available to many people. It can set a wrong tone for the rest of the game.

  • Only playable once

The game is made in such a way that you can only play it once. It is so destructible that once you are done, you will have no choice but to discard the components.

Final thoughts

The Exit: Sinister Mansion is an exciting game. It has the necessary features to challenge your thinking and way of solving puzzles. Card games such as this one are fun and will make your party or sleepover fun. The games will help you think critically as well as bond with friends and family. The two or so hours required to complete this game will be exciting and will fly by. It is a solid indoor game as you try to escape the sinister mansion.

Different people have different experiences with games. The review that this game got vary and thou some people say its challenging, a good number enjoyed the game. The setting is perhaps different from what people are used to in card games as a simple mistake can get you stuck, especially at the very beginning. All this is meant to increase the thrill in this game. You will get stuck in the mansion, look for ways to escape, make mistakes, make progress, feel like you are not making headways, and so much more. If you stick together, pull the resources, and perhaps have a bit of luck on your side, you will complete the game at record speed. The game is an excellent way to speed an evening with friends. Prepare to get tested, frustrated, and finally testing the joy of finally being free from a spooky mansion.